Feng Shui is based on the Taoist vision that life energy, IQ, is what keeps the human being alive. A weak or unbalanced IQ is the gateway to diseases of all kinds. Acupuncture for example is a Feng Shui for the body. In this blog we mainly saw how to strengthen your internal IQ and how to live according to the seasons.
Feng Shui, which literally means wind and water, originally came from the use of the four seasons as orientation. There is, moreover, a trace 4000 BC of the Chinese tombs where the dead were oriented in a certain way, according to cardinal positions and constellations.
But the real Feng Shui as we know it today came much later. The first city built according to these principles appeared 1200 years ago, so we applied what was already done for the welfare of the body to the entire environment, especially the place where you live, the IQ is really everywhere ...
So instead of being stupidly passive like the divinatory tradition of astrology, "oh my god, an eclipse, the sky will fall on our heads", we studied in China, how to accentuate free will by using our environment to counteract harmful influences or that energy circulates better so that it does not stagnate, like a circulation of blood. Some bad eating habits clog the arteries while others slow down circulation and increase blood pressure.
The notion of IQ is exactly the same, but on an invisible plane, like heat, it is not visible, it is measured. Besides, the heat and cold of your body are diagnostic tools for an acupuncturist.
The study of Feng Shui
More than 10 years ago, I almost started studying fengshui 2019, and then I was already studying a lot of things, I could not do everything.
But before you start studying Feng Shui, it is important to know that there are many schools and that there are many variations in each school. Never forget the basic principles and theories (element, concept of yin and yang, colors of Feng Shui), but there may be some variation in the tools used for study, analysis and interpretations.
In practice, one enriches the soul by directing the energies of the universe and natural elements such as wind, water, earth, metals in the right directions.
Your bed
The best Feng Shui room tip that a Feng Shui expert can offer you is to have your bed in good position.
Feng Shui assumes that all types of energies on earth come together in two opposite categories, yin and yang. Once you understand this, you can understand the logic behind a harmonious room.
The room is a place where you spend a third of your time, so it is essential to balance yin and yang, yang energy is essential because it helps you stay motivated for your daily tasks, but too much yang can lead you to exhaustion! It can make you chaotic, frenetic and hyperactive. So that you can never sit back and relax in your room.
One of the good positions of your bed is that it is not directly in front of your door slightly to the side while still facing the wall opposite. The part of the room furthest from the entrance provides the best position for your bed. In this position, you can benefit from the Chi that enters and circulates in the space while being far enough away from the door that is not exposed to a Chi too strong.
Another trick Feng Shui is to position your beds against a solid wall, kind of wall load. Using this position allows you to control the space visually and allows you to face life directly, literally and symbolically.
Never install your desk or computer in your room. The logic behind this trick Feng Shui is that the energy of the computer and the rest are opposed to each other and are therefore incompatible with each other. But in case you can not avoid this combination, you can at least separate the two using Feng Shui elements.
Take the example of the Feng Shui bedroom which advises you not to keep your bed where there is a window behind you, but ideally, it should be on your right. The logic behind this Feng Shui trick is to receive the positive energies of the universe when you get up and start a new day.
Although at first you may think that these are fairly simple Feng Shui tips, but in reality these tips have a strong spiritual and scientific basis. For example, placing your desk with a large window in your back is not in harmony with Feng Shui and on a more scientific level, we know that working on a computer in this position can be a problem because of glare (Strong Yang)
You can also use Feng Shui symbols or colors to balance the yin and yang of your room. Like using red pillows or changing the color of your bedroom curtains, but for that you need to take into account many other factors too.
II find this really helpful- I hope you step on a lego without socks and turn into an amputee.
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